all postcodes in GU10 / FARNHAM

find any address or company within the GU10 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU10 4AA 11 4 51.183406 -0.82329
GU10 4AB 19 0 51.182164 -0.824094
GU10 4AD 7 0 51.180527 -0.824036
GU10 4AE 15 0 51.180023 -0.823977
GU10 4AF 28 0 51.182017 -0.822925
GU10 4AH 15 0 51.181293 -0.824174
GU10 4AJ 1 0 51.182907 -0.822845
GU10 4AL 8 0 51.183544 -0.820983
GU10 4DH 9 1 51.182385 -0.820998
GU10 4AN 5 0 51.182948 -0.820698
GU10 4AP 13 1 51.185513 -0.821763
GU10 4AQ 3 0 51.186052 -0.818157
GU10 4AR 2 0 51.183535 -0.822096
GU10 4AS 4 0 51.185871 -0.820737
GU10 4AT 23 0 51.186233 -0.816464
GU10 4AU 29 0 51.186879 -0.817206
GU10 4AW 5 0 51.184078 -0.8222
GU10 4AX 15 0 51.188154 -0.815285
GU10 4AY 2 0 51.18988 -0.816339
GU10 4AZ 9 0 51.186195 -0.815392